Reader Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat
Journal of Research in Unani Medicine January-June, 2013, Vol.2Issue (1).
3-Abstinence Syndrome Attenuating Effect of HabbeShifa in Morphine Dependent Rats.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, IJPT July-2014, Vol.6, Issue No.1.
4-Role of Unani Drugs in the Sustainable Health Care: AReview, JPSI 4 (1) Jan-Feb 2015.
5-History of Thyroid Gland with Special Reference of Greco-Arabic Medicine: A Historical Review, IJRAR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue (1).
6-Psychopharmacological Review of the Essential Oil of Ustukhuddus (LavandulaStoechas L.) With Special Reference to IlajBilShamum (Aromatherapy), IJRAR,Vol.9, March 2022.
7-A Conceptual Review of QillateIfrazeDarqia(Hypothyroidism) and it’s correlation with Sue MizajBarid, Research and Reviews Journal of Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy, Vol:10,Issue 1 ,2023.
1-Attained CME Organized by Dept. ofIlmulAdvia (Unani Pharmacology) on 22 nd April 2018, at Markaz Unani Medical College Kozhikode.
2-Attained CME Organized by Hamdard Laboratories. At Mumbai, 18. Feb 2017.
3-Attained CME Organized by Dept. of AmrazeJildwaZohrawiya from 20-25. January 2023, at Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U, Aligarh U.P.
4-Certificate of Appreciation for Significant Contribution to the Promotion and Education of Unani System of Medicineby All India Unani TibbiCongress, Maharashtra.
5-Certificate of Participation in one day National Webinar on “Innovative Approaches of Research in IlmulAdvia” , organised by Department of IlmulAdvia, National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), Bangalore on 25th June 2022.
6-Certificate is awarded for participation in the Webinar on “Awareness of Pharmacovigilance of ASU & H Drugs” , organised by Peripheral Pharmacovigilance centre (PPvC) Hakim Syed Zia-ul-Hasan Govt./Auto. Unani Medical College/Hospital Bhopal (M.P.),held on 20th December 2021
Paper Presentation (Oral/PPT/Poster) at Seminars and Conferences.
1-Presented a paper entitled “Anti Hyperlipidaemic Unani Drugs- A Review” at National Seminar on “Quality Assurance of Unani Drugs” held on March 11-12, 2010, Organised by Deptt of IlmulAdvia, Govt. NizamiaTibbi College, Hyderabad A.P.
2-Presented a paper entitled “Hypothyroidism and its Correlation with Sue MizajBarid” at 4th National Conference on Unani Medicine, Organised by All India Unani Tibbi Congress, held 16th January 2011, at Nagpur, Maharashtra.
3-Attained One Day Seminar (Hybrid) on the Topic “Unani Tibin Digital India” Organized by UDMAat Hakeem Ajmal Khan Hall,MarkazKnowledge City, Kozhikode, Kerala on 27 February 2022.
4-Presented a Paper entitled “Scientific Validation of Cupping in the Light of TibbeNabavi”.In the “International Conference on Scientific Exploration and Understanding of Tibb-e-Nabavi” held on 11th& 12th December 2023. Organised by MohammadiaTibbia College and Assayer Hospital Mansoora Malegaon Nashik Maharashtra