Ilaj Bit-Tadbeer is a super-specialty of Moalajat which was separated from Dept. of Moalajat in 2006 under eleventh five year plan from ministry of Health and Family welfare, Government of India. The main objective of the ministry to establish Ilaj Bit-Tadbeer as independent dept. was to amateur emphasis on the comprehensive learning and in-depth understanding of Ilaj Bit-Tadbeer in order to serve the community specifically to curtail the mounting burden of life-style disorders and non-communicable diseases in Indian sub-continent. Department is devoted to provide promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to the community. Various regimens including Hijama (Cupping), Fasd (Therapeutic Phlebotomy),
Irsale Alaq (Leech therapy), Nutool (Irrigation), Dalk (Therapeutic Massage), Takmeed (Fomentation), Inkebab (Medicated steam Bath), Riyazat (Therapeutic Exercise), Hammam (Turkish Bath), Aabzan (Sitz Bath), Pashoya (Foot bath),Wax bath, Takmeed bil Mauj saghirah (Short wave Diathermy) etc are highly effective to deal with Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes–Mellitus, Non-Alcohalic Fatty Liver disease, Arthritis, Frozen shoulder, Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis, Musculoskeletal disorders and many more morbidities. A variety of neurologic patients, considered as untreatable, come for the treatment to Ilaj Bit-Tadbeer unit.
Faculty members of the department are actively engaged in teaching, training and research activities. They have a good number of publications in various reputed national and international journals. Presently the department has one Professor and one Reader.