Welcome to State Takmeel-Ut-Tib College

Publication: Book & papers Published

Dr. Rafiuddin

Department: Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat


  1. A Handbook of Unani Cosmetology, 2022 Notion press Chennai T.N
  2. Clinical Efficacy of a Unani Formulation in the Treatment of Hypothyroidism,

       Journal of Research in Unani Medicine January-June, 2013, Vol.2Issue (1).

3-Abstinence Syndrome Attenuating Effect of HabbeShifa in Morphine Dependent Rats.

International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, IJPT July-2014, Vol.6, Issue No.1.

4-Role of Unani Drugs in the Sustainable Health Care: AReview, JPSI 4 (1) Jan-Feb 2015.

5-History of Thyroid Gland with Special Reference of Greco-Arabic Medicine: A Historical Review, IJRAR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue (1).

6-Psychopharmacological Review of the Essential Oil of Ustukhuddus (LavandulaStoechas L.) With Special Reference to IlajBilShamum (Aromatherapy), IJRAR,Vol.9, March 2022.

7-A Conceptual Review of QillateIfrazeDarqia(Hypothyroidism) and it’s correlation with Sue MizajBarid, Research and Reviews Journal of Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy, Vol:10,Issue 1 ,2023.

  • CMEs.


1-Attained CME Organized by Dept. ofIlmulAdvia (Unani Pharmacology) on 22 nd April 2018, at Markaz Unani Medical College Kozhikode.

2-Attained CME Organized by Hamdard Laboratories. At Mumbai, 18. Feb 2017.

3-Attained CME Organized by Dept. of AmrazeJildwaZohrawiya from 20-25. January 2023, at Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U, Aligarh U.P.

4-Certificate of Appreciation for Significant Contribution to the Promotion and Education of Unani System of Medicineby All India Unani TibbiCongress, Maharashtra.

5-Certificate of Participation in one day National Webinar on “Innovative Approaches of Research in IlmulAdvia” , organised by Department of IlmulAdvia, National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), Bangalore on 25th June 2022.

6-Certificate is awarded for participation in the Webinar on “Awareness of Pharmacovigilance of ASU & H Drugs” , organised by Peripheral Pharmacovigilance centre (PPvC) Hakim Syed Zia-ul-Hasan Govt./Auto. Unani Medical College/Hospital Bhopal (M.P.),held on 20th December 2021

Paper Presentation (Oral/PPT/Poster) at Seminars and Conferences.

1-Presented a  paper entitled “Anti Hyperlipidaemic Unani Drugs- A Review” at National Seminar on “Quality Assurance of Unani Drugs” held on March 11-12, 2010, Organised by Deptt of IlmulAdvia, Govt. NizamiaTibbi College, Hyderabad A.P.

2-Presented a paper entitled “Hypothyroidism and its Correlation with Sue MizajBarid” at 4th National Conference on Unani Medicine, Organised by All India Unani Tibbi Congress, held 16th January 2011, at Nagpur, Maharashtra.

3-Attained One Day Seminar (Hybrid) on the Topic “Unani Tibin Digital India” Organized by UDMAat Hakeem Ajmal Khan Hall,MarkazKnowledge City, Kozhikode, Kerala on 27 February 2022.

4-Presented a Paper entitled “Scientific Validation of Cupping in the Light of TibbeNabavi”.In the “International Conference on Scientific Exploration and Understanding of Tibb-e-Nabavi” held on 11th& 12th December 2023. Organised by MohammadiaTibbia College and Assayer Hospital Mansoora Malegaon Nashik Maharashtra

Publication: Publication

Dr. Shamin Irshad

Department: Ilmul Adviya

1-Comparative Toxicity Study of Various Dosage Forms of Sammul Far(arsenic trioxide) in Mice.2011,Indian Journal of Traditional knowledge,Vol.10, Issue 4, NISCIR.

2-Preparation of Kushta Sammulfar (calx of Arsenic) by muffle furnace using the Temperature pattern extrapolated from the classical method of its preparation as practiced in Unani Medicine.2011,International Journal of Unani Medicus,Vol.1,Issue 2,January-June,F/o Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh

3-Standardization of   Kushta Sammul far (Calx of Arsenic trioxide) prepared by two Methods.2012,Hippocratic Journal,Vol.07, Number 3, July-Sept., CCRUM, New Delhi

4-Evaluation of Chronic Toxicity of Kushta Sammulfar(Calx of Arsenic trioxide.2013,Journal of Xenobiotics, Vol. 3:e3

5-Pharmacognostic evaluation of LeucascephalotesSpreng leaves.2012,Phcog J, Vol 4, Issue 32

6-Hakim Barakalsus Ki TareekhiHaqeeqt: EkTahqeequiMutala.2010,Jahane Tib, Vol.11, Issue 3, C.C.R.U.M, New Delhi

7-MazajeAadviaKa Scientific Jaiza.2009,UniMed, Vol.4, Issue 2, D/o Kulliyat, AMU, Aligarh

8-Historical Perspective of Comparative Evaluation of Calcination.2013-14,Journal for The History of  Islamic Medicine,Syria

9-Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Dammul Akhawain with Reference to Standardization.2014,Hippocratic Journal,Vol.09, Number 3, July-Sept., CCRUM, New Delhi

10-Study of male sexual function improving effect of cotton seed ( Gossypium herbaceum Linn ) in albino rats.2017,Unani Medicus,Vol.4, issue 1, January –June.2017. F/o Unani Medicine, AMU,Aligarh

11-Observation and Critical Assessment of Unani Pharmacopoeias and Formularies.2017,International Journa of Advanced  Ayurveada, Yoga, Unani ,Siddha and Homeopathy, Vol.6, Iss.01,PP 403-412

12-Age of Unani Drugs and Concept of  Shelf-life : A comparative Assessment.2020,The Journal of Phytopharmacology , 2020; 9(3): 210-213.


  1. First Prize in Essay writing competition Organized by AnjumanTalbaeQadeemMadrasatulIslahAzamgarh, (Aligarh Unit ), 1993-1994.
  2. Joint editor AL-MOJALLAH, MadraSataulIslah, Saraimir, Azamgarh, 1995.
  3. First Prize in Debate Organized by S.I.O, Aligarh, 1997-98.
  4. Third Prize in Poetry Composing Organized by Let/Cul Society, S. S. Hall (North), 5- AMU, Aligarh, 1998-99.
  5. Third Prize in Debate Organized by Dept. of HifzaneSehat , F/o Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh, 1999.
  6. Member Editorial Board MARHABA MARHABA,Ajmal Khan Tibbiya Colleges, AMU, Aligarh, 2001.
  7. Winner (Carrum Single) in Annual Common Room Champion Ship 2001, MosinulMulk Hall, AMU, Aligarh.
  8. Runner Up (Carrum Double) in Annual Common Room Champion Ship 2001, MosinulMulk Hall, AMU,Aligarh.
  9. Runner’s in the Ajmal Sports Week 2003-04, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh.
  10. Chief Editor SHAFAQS. S. Hall (North), AMU, Aligarh, 2004.
  11. Chief Editor AINAE TIBAjmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh, 2004.
  12. Member of Volley Ball Team S. S. Hall (North) during the session 1998-99, AMU, Aligarh.
  13. Member of Volley Ball Team S. S. Hall (North) during the session 1999-2000, AMU, Aligarh.
  14. Captain Volley Ball Team in Ajmal Sports Week 2003-04, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU,Aligarh.
  15. Food Monitor in S. S. Hall (North) during the session 2000-01, AMU,Aligarh.
  16. Hakim Ali Ahmad Award, presented by Hakeem Ajmal Khan Memorial Academy, Kanpur,February 2017.
  17. Fakhr-e- Tib Award, Presented By National Medical College, Saharanpur,March2017.
  18. Best Teacher Award, , Presented By National Medical College, Saharanpur, March 2019.
  19. Nazish-e-Tib wa Adab, Nagar Palika Deoband, U.P.2019.
  20. Best Teacher Award,  Presented By Jamia Tibbiya Deoband, UP, December 2019.
  21. Award on Advia Mufrada byUtter Pradesh Urdu Academy,Govt. of UP, 2018.
  22. Award on Shazraat Zillur Rahman wa Isharia al Hikmat byUtter Pradesh Urdu Academy Govt. of UP, 2020.
  23. Allama Kabeeruddin International award By All India Unani Tibbi congress, New Delhi, 2023.



  • Member of Unani Text Book Commitee, NCPUL, Ministry of H.R.D, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  • Member of  Tibbi Panel, NCPUL, Ministry of H.R.D, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  • Member of  editorial board, Tarjumane Tib, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore.
  • Reviewer  of Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Bangalore
  • Reviewer of ofNAWAE TIB WA SEHAT(A Journal of Unani Medicine ), Allahabad, U.P.
  • Reviewer of of Tarjumane Tib, NIUM, Bangalore.
  • Life Member of TAHZIBUL AKHLAQ, IdaraTazibulAkhlaq, AMU,Aligarh.
  • Life Member of NAWAE TIB WA SEHAT(A Journal of Unani Medicine ), Allahabad, U.P.




Title of the Book


Year Published Published inAuthor/ Co-authorRemarks



Isharia Al Hikmat



Hakim Ajmal Academy, Azamgarh,U.P.Author 



Mujarrabate Azam




Chand Memorial Charitable(Trust) New Delhi Author 



Hakim Shamim Ahmad Saeedi: Hayat wa  Khidmat





4Kushta Sammul Far 2013Ibn Sina Academy, AligarhAuthor 



Bayanul Murakkabat2015IHF, New DelhiAuthor 



Abdal-e-Advia2015IHF, New DelhiAuthor 
7Mujarrabat Amraze Raas2015Idara Hakim Haziq, Gujrat.PakistanAuthor 



Aghziatul Marza2017Idara Hakim Haziq, Gujrat.PakistanAuthor 
9Advia Mufrada by Najibuddeen  Samarqandi(Translation from Arabic to Urdu)2018Raza Library Rampur Editor/ Author 

Kitab-al – Abdal

By Abu Bakar, Mohammad Bin Zakriya Razi

(Translation from Arabic to Urdu)

2019IHF, New DelhiEditor/ Author 

Abdal- al Advia

By Abu Saeed, Al- Maghribi

2019IHF, New DelhiEditor/ Author 
12Kitab , abdal- al, Advia Almufrada by Badeeghoras (Translation from Arabic to Urdu)2019Raza Library RampurEditor/ Author 
13Shazrat Zillur Rahman 2020Ibn SIna Academy, Aligarh, U.P.Author 
14Masadir Zillur Rahman2020Ibn Sina Academy, Aligarh, U.P.Author 
15Abdale Advia2021National Institute of Unani Medicine, BangaloreAuthor 
16Mufradat Kitab al Mi’a fil Tib2023Maktaba Ahsan, Lucknow.Editor/Author 
17A’mar al- Aqaqeer a;- Mufrada wa al- Adbiya al- Murakkaba2024Ahsan, Publications, Lucknow.Editor/ Author 


Publication: List of Published Research Papers of Prof Dr. Nafasat Ali Ansari, HOD & Professor Department of Tashreehul Badan, State Takmil uttib College & Hospital, Lucknow

Prof. Nafasat Ali Ansari

Department: Tashreeh-ul-Badan

1- “EVOLUTION OF CARDIO-VASCULAR SYSTEM (NIZAM-E-UROOQI QALBI) UPTO ROMAN PERIOD”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) , Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2021  www.jetir.org

2- “A REVIEW OF ANATOMICAL CONCEPTS OF NIZAM- E-ASABI IN TIBBE UNANI”. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research, 2022,9(2), 135-139 www.ejpmr.com

3- “CONCEPT OF FASD (VENESECTION) AND ITS APPLICATION IN PRESENT SCENARIO”, European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 2022, 9(1), 129-133 www.ejpmr.com

4- “Contribution of Hippocrates (Buqrat) In Anatomy of Spine And Its Applied Concept” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882 www.ijcrt.org

Publication: PUBLICATIONS-

Dr. Mariyam Roqaiya

Department: Niswan wa Qabalat

1- Efficacy of Commiphora myrrha and Honey in Primary Dysmenorrhea, Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Randomized Controlled Study. CellMed2021; Volume 11(4)e19

2-Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences 2019; 27(3): 77-84,A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Effect of Viola odorata Flower with Fluticasone Propionate in Chronic Rhinosinusitis

3-A Single Blinded Randomized Standard Control Study. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. J Complement Integr Med 2020; 20180235

4-Efficacy of poste Mulsari (Mimusops elengi bark) and Shibe yamani (potash alum) in pruritus vulva associated with vaginal discharge: A Randomized standard controlled study. Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2016; 3(1): 9-16.

5-. Efficacy of Amla (Emblica officinalis) and Shibeyamani (potash alum) in the management of Candida vaginitis: a randomized standard controlled trial. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016; 5(5): 1601-1606.

6-Efficacy of Asparagus recemosus (Satavar) in stimulating follicular growth and ovulation in Anovulatory Infertility: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016; 5(2): 310-316.

7-Evaluation of Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge with Vulval Itching:  An Open Clinical Observation.Intl. J Clin. Diag. Res. 2016; 4(5): IV.

8-Danish Jahan, Wajeeha Begum, Mariyam Roqaiya, Yousuf Khalil Hussaini. Anti-haemorrhagic Activity of Polyherbal Formulation in Menorrhagia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.AlternIntegr Med 2016; 5(3): 1-4.

9-A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluates the Efficacy of Spirulina (Tahlab) in the Subjects with Type 2 (ZiabetusShakri). J Diabetes Metab 7: 710. doi: 10.4172/2155-6156.1000710

10-Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial Comparing the Efficacy of Satawar (Asparagus racemosus) & Zeera sufaid (Cuminum cyminum) in Qillat-ul-laban (Oligogalactia). Research and Reviews: Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2017; 4(1): 1-6

11-Resolution of Uterine Fibroid by Unani Herbal Formulations-A Case Report. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015; 4(6): 604-608.

12-Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome by Wet Cupping – A case report. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine 2015; 3(3): 41-45.

13-Boswellia serrata: A Review on its Phytochemical and Therapeutic Potential. Research & Reviews: Journal of Botany. 2021; 10(1): 1–5p. 

14-Review on Cyperus scariosus: A Potential Medicinal Plant. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 2021; 10(1): 28–31p.

15-The Pharmacological Importance of Quercus incana: A Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology. 2021; 11(1): 15–19p. 

16-Comprehensive Review of Satawar (Asparagus racemosus). Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2020; 9(1): 1-6.

17-Potential Role of Unani Herbs in Management of Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy: A Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2020; 7(1): 1-6.

18-A Review on Unani Traditional Uses of Sambhalu in Females as well as Phytochemical and Pharmacological Properties. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2016; 7(1): 31-41. 

19-Phytochemical, Pharmacological and Unani Traditional Uses of Mazoo (Quercus infectoria): A Review.  Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2020; 9(1): 1-6.

20-Unani Concept of Iron Deficiency Anaemia: A Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2019; 6(2): 6-14.

21-A Review on Herbs with Uterotonic property. Journal of Phytopharmacology 2015; 4(3): 133-138.

22-A Review on Traditional Uses and Phytochemical Properties of Mimusops elengi Linn. International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2015; 2(6): 20-23.

23-A Review on Pharmacological Property of Mimusops elengi Linn. International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2015; 2(6): 24-30.

24-A Review on Medicinal Aspect of Alum in Unani Medicine and Scientific Studies. World Journal ofPharmaceutical Research2015; 4(6): 929-940.

25-Potent Medicinal Seed of Unani Medicine. American Journal of Pharmtech Research 2015; 5(3): 112-124.

26-A Review on Galactogogue Herbs of Unani Medicine. Journal of Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry 2015; 4(2): 112-115.

27-. Managing Menopause through Temperamental Approach: A Review. International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 2015; 5(4): 1906-1911.

28-A Review on Ethnobotanical and Unani traditional uses as well as phytochemical and pharmacological properties. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research2015; 4(6): 315-321.

29-Unani Traditional, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review on Mentha arvensis. Journal of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.2017; 6(3): 25-32.

30-Phyto-pharmacological Review of Banafsha (Viola odorata) with Special Reference to Unani Uses. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2018; 7(3): 21-29.

31-Review on Immunomodulatory herbs of Unani Medicine. International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2015; 3(4): 19-21.

32-Review on Beekhe Anjbar (Root of Polyjgonum bistorata L) with Unani Perspective and Modern Pharmacology. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015; 4(7): 314-323.

33-Breast cancer prevention: A Unani approach. International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine. International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 2015; 5(4): 1912-1932.

34-Medicinal Properties, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Withaniasomnifera: an important drug of Unani Medicine. International journal of scientific and innovative research.2016; 5(4): 156-160.

35-. Acacia catechu: A Unani Traditional, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2019; 8(2): 19-25.

36-Review on Neem Bark: A Unani Medicine. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2019; 8(1): 29-34.

37-Unani, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review of Abhal (Juniperus communis) with Special Reference to Female Disorders. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2018;5(3): 12-20


Publication: PUBLICATIONS-


Department: Tashreeh-ul-Badan

1-Description Of Video Clips & Pro Forma Based Tasks For Analysis Of Visual Memory: A Scientific Method For Assessment Of Temperament, IJCRT Volume 8, Issue 6 June 2020.

2-Present Concepts of Audio-Visual Memories: Branch of Perceptive Power (Quwat-e-Mudrika), UNIMED KULLIYAT Volume XII, Issue 1, 2020

3-A Comprehensive Review of Quwā Nafsāniyya (Nervous Faculties) and Af‘āl-ul-A‘dā’ (Functions of Organs): Parameter of Mizāj Assessment, IJRA Vol 6 Issue 1

4-Understanding of The Nabḍ (Pulse): A Review, IJRA, March 2019 Vol 6 Issue 1PP; 1037-1048

5-Concept of the Arkān, Its Physical Elements and Non-Physical Entity (Naar): A Critical Review, IJHSR, Feb 2019, PP; 251-258.

6-Temperament of Aza-e-Mufrida (Simple Organs) - Scientific Validation of Unani Concepts, JETIR, Volume 5, Issue 5 Pp; 495-503.May 2018,

7-Resources & Functions of Quwat-e-Haiwaniyah (Vital Faculty)- A Review, UNIMED –KULLIYAT Volume X, Issue 1: April 2017-2018 pp;  9-16.

8-THE RUH (PNEUMA)- THE CONCEPT WITH CLARITY, JETIR, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2018 pp; 1029-1033.

9-Sartan (Cancer) in Unani - A Review, UNIMED - KULLIYAT Volume IX, Issue 1: 46-51 E- April 2015 March 2016 Pp; 46-51.

10-A Thorough Review of Unani Concepts and Management of Daus Sadaf (Psoriasis), UNIMED KULLIYAT Volume XII, Issue 1, 2020.

11-Gastro Oesophageal Reflex Disease (GERD) and its Management in Unani Medicine: A Review, UNIMED KULLIYAT Volume XII, Issue 1 & 2, 2020.

12-Role of Unani Formulations in the Management of Gastriculcer; Safoof-e-Asl-ul-soos and Arq Mako Morakkab-A case series,  JETIR,  Volume 5,oct 2018 Pp; 142-144.

13-Awareness of Blood Donation on the Basis of Fasd (Venesection) Awareness of Blood Donation on the Basis of  Fasd (Venesection), JICH, ADR Journals, 2017.

14-Efficacy of Darchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Honey and Lemon in the Management of Samin-e-Mufrat (Obesity): A Clinical Observational Study, IJHSR, March 2019   pp- 1230-1237

15-Progressive historical review of da-us-sadaf (psoriasis): unani and modern perspectives, IJHSR, March 2019

Pp 1310-1315

16-A thorough concepts and usool-e-ilaj (principles of treatment) of post stroke complications, in unani medicine, IAJPS,May 20

Pp; 10968-10973

17-Understanding of Acne, 3rd UDMA Magazine.

18-A Critical Review of Daus-Sadaf(Psoriasis): Unani & Modern Perspectives,2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 7 July 2020.

19-A Clinical Study of Majoon Ushba and Marhame Safeda Kafoori in the Management of Daus Sadaf (Psoriasis), JETIR April 2021, Volume 8, Issue 4.

20-Description of Audio Clip & Pro Forma Based Task for Analysis of Auditory Memory: A Scientific Method for Assessment of Temperament, UNIMED KULLIYAT Communicable journal

Publication: Publications

Dr.Zahid Kamal

Department: Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib

1-Effect of Tareeq in wajaul mafasil of samane mufrat.STM Journal of Ayush.2020:9(3)

2- Effect of Tareeq  to control progress of  samane mufrat.STM Journal of Ayush.2012:1(3)

3-An overview of preventive measures and regimens indicated for obesity in Unani System of Medicine.IJPBSRD.2013:1(4).

4-Management of non healing leg ulcer in  Unani System of Medicine.International wound Journal.

Publication: Dr. Umme Kulsoom

Dr. Umme Kulsoom

Department: Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib
  1. Umme Kulsoom, Muhib Jahan. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of Child Upbringing among Mothers Visiting OPDs of National Institute Of Unani Medicine Hospital. Research and Reviews: Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.2017:4(2):16-24p. 

Publication: Dr. Mani Ram

Dr. Mani Ram

Department: Niswan wa Qabalat
  1. Project work as a Research Assistant on “A Bio-Social Study of Twin Population in Village Umari district Allahabad” this project was sponsored by Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Hyderabad, Under the supervision of Dr. N.P Chaubey (ISSA), Allahabad (Prayagraj) in the year 2005.
  2. Published a literary research paper on “Unani Medical Education in India - A Critical Review” in Northern India Patrika, and in the Hindustan Times, Allahabad, October 2005.
  3. Published a literary research paper on “ Khandan Usmani Ki Tibbi Khidmat “ in the Jahan- e- Tib, by CCRUM, Dept of AYUSH MH &FW Govt. of India; Vol 8(3): , 2007,p105-107.
  4. Published a literary research paper on “A Critical Review of Hammam and Its Role in Treating Different Diseases” in National Medicos (Unani Medical Journal); Vol. 10, Issue 03. Maharashtra, January 2008, p7-12
  5. Published a literary review paper on “The Growth and Spread of Unani Medicine in Allahabad “in Northern India Patrika, vol.55, number 368, Allahabad, January 16, 2010.
  6. Published a literary review paper on “Hakim Shamim Ahmad Saeedi se ak Choti si Mulakat “ in a book namely Hakim Shamim Ahmad Saeedi Hayat aur Khidmat by Jamia Tibbia Deoband, U.P. in 2012,p283-284
  7. Published a literary review paper on “Hakim Momeen Khan Momeen Najre Khush Gujre” in a magazine, Ajmer Rajasthan by All India Unani Tibbi Congress, New Delhi, February 12, 2013,p33-34
  8. Satish Kumar, Mani Ram Singh, M S Hayat, & M Alam Published a review research paper “Use of Nano technology in Herbal Unani Medicine: A Review” in proceedings of National Seminar, edited by Dr. Sohail Ahmad STTC, Lucknow. March 2013.p 102-109.
  9. Dr. Mohd. Nasir & Dr. Mani Ram Singh Published a review research paper on “ Role of Unani Herbal Medicines in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications- A Review” in Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science, India; Vol 3(1): 20-27, 2014.
  10. Mani Ram Singh, I Shameem and K Tabassum Published a research paper on “Puberty Menorrhagia an Endocrine disorder Arrest by SHD” in proceedings of National Seminar, edited by Dr. Sohail Ahmad, STTC, Lucknow. March 201, 3p90-94
  11. Shameem I, Singh M Ram, Firdose K.F, & Kafeel G, Published research paper on “Effect of Habbe Hamal in Uqr (Infertility) - Case series in proceedings of National Seminar, edited by Dr. Sohail Ahmad, STTC, Lucknow. March 2013.p160-164
  12. Published a research paper on “ Efficacy of Safoof Habis-ud-dam (SHD) on Duration of Flow (DOF) in Puberty ‘ Kasrat-e- Tams’ ( Menorrhagia) “ in Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, by CCRUM, Dept of AYUSH MH &FW Govt. of India; Vol 8(3): 23-29, 2013.
  13. Published research paper on “Effect of Cupping in Amenorrhoea – A Case report in proceedings of 39th ISSC Mangalore University, by Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad (Prayagraj), December 2015, p48
  14. Prof. M.Y. Azmi & Dr. Mani Ram Singh Published a book Asbabul Amraz wa Tibbi Taskheesi Jarraye (Causes of Diseases & Tibbi Diagnostic Measures) by Prashant press Camwell Road, Lucknow, 2014
  15. Dr. Mani Ram Singh Published a book Leucorrhoea (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Instructions) by Prashant press Camwell Road, Lucknow, 2016
  16. Dr Mani Ram Singh, Dr Shashi Kumar, Dr Subodh kumar & Dr Rakhshinda Baig Published a Souvenir cum Abstracts on “Peoples Health and Quality of Life in Uttar Pradesh” by Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad, September 2016.
  17. Dr Mani Ram Singh, Dr Shashi Kumar, Dr Subodh kumar & Dr Suneel Kapoor Published a Souvenir on “Impact of Digital Technology on Peoples Life of Uttar Pradesh” by Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad, September 2016.
  18. Published Poem entitled “ Tiranga”, “ Phir kabhi na chal sakoonga” and “ Rait ki terha hoti hai yeh zindagi.” in Dhadkan aajki, by sehyog nidhi Aakif ki, 162-A Chokhandee Kyedgang, Allahabad (U. P.) in 2003.p 126,127,128.
  19. Article on “Unani Collage Allahabad Main Kya Ho Raha Hai” Published in Aakif ki Mehfil 3243, Kucha Tara Chand, Darya Ganj New Delhi-2, in 2007, p11-13
  20. Article on “Barsat ke Sankramak Rog aur Bachne ke Uppaya “published in Amrit Prabhat, Allahabad, August 29, 2012.
  21. Article on “Jaruraton par Aunkush Lagayan Chikitsak “published in Amrit Prabhat , Allahabad, September 05, 2012.
  22. Monthly Health awareness leaflets entitled (1) “Hypertension”,(2) “Grisham hritu mai Bachav Rog va Unani Upchar”, (3) “Aadhunik Jeevan Shaili : Rog evm Yog” , (4) “Varsha hritu ke Sankramak Rog : Karan, Bachav va Upchar” , (5) “Stanpan ko Shashakt Babana” , (6) “Children Health : Problems and Solution” , (7) “Hamant Ritu par Vishesh” published in public interest by UP Social Science Academy, Lucknow since April 2019.

Publication: Dr. Mohd Nasiruddin


Department: Munafe-Ul-Aza
  1. Published Book in year  2023 with title "Tasheel-e-Istilahat -e-Tib Manafe-ul-A'za".
  2. Understanding the concept and Preventive measures for epidemics:Unani Medicine Perspectives.Journal of Research in Unani Medicine,2020,9(1).
  3. The concept of TabiYat in Unani System of Medicine. Year Published 2017.Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine,CCRUM,New Delhi.
  4. The concept of Nuzj (Concoction) in Unani System of Medicine.Year Published 2015.Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine,CCRUM,New Delhi.
  5. The role of Tabiat in the treatment of disease.Year Published 2015.International Journal of Herbal Medicine.
  6. Asbab-e-sittah zaruriyah (six essential factors): An unique tool for the maintenance of human health.Year Published 2015.International Journal of Herbal Medicine

Publication: Dr. Mohd Asif

Dr. Mohd Asif

Department: Munafe-Ul-Aza


  1. Book published named as “Ilm an Nabz” SMCI Publication, New Delhi, 2003.
  2. Book Published named “Tashreeh-e-Izam” (Osteology) as co-author by publication division AMU in 2008. ( Main author: Dr Ubaidullah).
  3. Book named “Tashreeh (Regional and applied) Tarfe-Asfal: (Lower limb) published. Authors: Dr Ubaidullah. Dr Mohd Asif.
  4. Book named “Tashreeh-ul-Badan-A hand book of Anatomy (Part-I) Upper limb under publication.
  5. A book Tashreeh-ul-Badan Umoomi (General anatomy) assigned by National council for promotion of Urdu language (NCPUL).
  6. Article,Hkm.Mohd Ajmal Khan ki lazawaz tibbi khidmaat (Qist no.3).Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad: Jan.-Mar.2020.
  7. Article,Hkm.Mohd Ajmal Khan ki lazawaz tibbi khidmaat (Qist no.2).Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad: Oct.-Dec.2019.
  8. Article,Hkm.Mohd Ajmal Khan ki lazawaz tibbi khidmaat (Qist no.1).Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad: July.-Sep..2019.
  9. Article,Bunyadi Nazriyat-e-Jins.Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad;April-June 2019.
  10. Article,Sahar Doar-e-Jadeed ka Almia.Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad:April-June 2018.
  11. Article,Noam Sehat ki Muhafiz ek Qudrati Ne'mat.Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad: April-June 2017.
  12. Article,Haqeeqat-e-Sertan ek Jaezah.Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad: Oct.-Dec.2016.
  13. Article,Nisai Husn 0 Jamal aur uska Tahaffuz.Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad:Jan.-March 2016.
  14. Article,Amraze-e-Tanaffus ka Munafeul Azai Bayan.Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad:Oct.-Dec.2015.
  15. Article,Asbab-e-Nabz ek Jaezah.Nawa-i-Tib-o-Sehat;Allahabad: Apr.-June2015.

Publication: Dr. Mohd. Abu Bakar

Dr. Mohd. Abu Bakar

Department: Kulliyat

1-Khaiser Rabee, Mohd Zulkifle, Shariq Shamsi, Wasim Ahmad, Tariq Nadeem, Abu Bakar “ Validation of the Mizāj of Heart by Determining The Ash

Value of Vital Organs of Three Species ” Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences 2016; 24(1): 14-19.

2. Tariq Nadeem, Mohd Abu Bakar, Mohd Zulkifle, “Farbahi-Tibbe Unani ke aine Mai ” Tarjumane Tibb 2015; 2(2):58-62.

3. Mohd Akhtar Ali, Mohd Abu Bakar, Mohd Aslam, Abdul Aziz faris, Hamoduddin, “ Tipu Sultan ki Tibbi Sarparasti- Ek Tahqiqi Jayeza” 2015;

2(2): 24-31.

4. Mohd Abu Bakar, Tariq Nadeem khan. Dissolution, replenishment and vital organ: Liver in Unani perspective. International Journal of Physiology,

Nutrition and Physical Education. 2017;2(1):209-211.

5. Tariq Nadeem, Mohd Zulkifle, Fateh Ali Tipo, Mohd Abu Bakar. Conundrum of Life and Innate heat. International Journal of Physiology,

Nutrition and Physical Education. 2017;2(1):266-269.

6. Abu Bakar and Tariq Nadeem Khan. Nazariya Arkan Mukhtalif Falasafa Ki Nazar Mei- Ek Mudallal Bahas, Nawae Tib Wa Sehat. 2017:26(2):50-55

7. Mohd Abu Bakar, Tariq Nadeem Khan, Shariq Shamsi and Mohd Zulkifle. Validation of Mizaj of brain by estimation of moisture content in vital organs of three species of animals. International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2017; 5(4): 51-54.

8. Mohd Akhtar Ali, Mohd Abu Bakar, Mohd Aslam,Abdul Aziz faris, Hamoduddin. “Appraisal of Tipu Sultan’s Contributions Toward Development of

Unani Medicine: A Critical Analysis” Medical Journal of Islamic World Academyof Sciences. 2017;25(2): 31-39.

Publication: Dr Kafil Ahmad

Dr Kafil Ahmad

Department: Kulliyat
  1. Qaziya e Buqrat o arastu Daar Maddah manwiyah aur haqiqat: Nishane Tib 2004
  2. Tibbe unani mein Farbahi aur uska tadaruk bilkul ghiza: part 1,2&3 Alshifa Tibbi Digest New Delhi December 2005, January, February 2006
  3. Tibbe islami ka akhlaqi nazariya :Dawat Bi weekly, Delhi 16 aug 2005
  4. Roghani Ghiza ka istemaal aur asaraat: Dawat Bi weekly Delhi 19 October 2005
  5. Sinne yas k masail aur hal : Dawat bi weekly 28 January 2006
  6. Islami shariyat aur tahaffuze sehat : faisal, urdu, Deoband, November 2004
  7. Farbahee, Asbab o ilaj wa Tadaruk: Rashtriya sahara, urdu, new Delhi 9 December 2006
  8. Tibbe unani k farog mein har tabqeka hissa: Dawat bi weekly Delhi, 22 April 2005

Publication: Prof. Abdul Quavi

Prof. Abdul Quavi

Department: Jarahat
  1. Awarded by Deputy Chief Minister (Honable MR. Dinesh singh) of U.P. in 2018 for excellent work for Yoga training arrangement on 21, june 2018 in Governor house field lucknow, U.P.
  2. Got an Appreciation letter from advisor of Unani, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, as a trainer of hijamah in various camp in 2017,2018, organized by CCRUM, New Delhi in various states.
  3. Got an Appreciation letter by Secretary of AYUSH, Government of India for the excellent work of Hijamah in 2017
  4. Got an Appreciation certificate by chief secretary and secretary of AYUSH, Government of U.P. in 2018. For excellent work in YOG ABHYAS in Governor house U.P.
  5. Participated in CUME on Gerontology and geriatrics in USM organized by Unani Scholars association, Lucknow on 5th August 2018.
  6. Conducted CME program as organizing chairman in the department of ilmul jarahat (surgery) organized by department of Jarahat, State takmeel ut tib college and hospital, Lucknow and Sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH, govt. of India in sept. 2018
  7. Participated as master trainer in two da workshop on Training of trainers programme organized by UP state AYUSH society under national AYUSH mission at AYUSH society Lucknow on 5-6 May 2018
  8. Participated as master trainer in two day workshop on Training of trainers programme organized by UP state AYUSH society under national AYUSH mission at AYUSH society Lucknow on 9-10 May 2018
  9. Delivered lecture as resource person in CME on Ilaj Bit Tadbeer for teachers, at department of Ilaj Bit tadbeer, Govt. Unani college, Bhopal,2018-2019.

Publication: Dr Abdul Khalique

Dr Abdul Khalique

Department: Ilmul Atfal
  1. Abdul khalique, m.y. siddiqui and abdur rauf, Irsal-e-Alaq (Leech Therapy): A Scientific Approach in the Light of Bioactive Substances. Ind. J. Unani Med., Vol. X, Iss. 1, pp. 9-14, 2017. ISSN No.: 0974-6065
  2. Abdul khalique, m.y. siddiqui and abdur rauf, Historical perspective of diabetes mellitus (ziabetus shakari) from its occurrence to the discovery of Insulin: A review. Unimed Kulliyat a journal of unani medicine, ISSN 2249-5703, volume ix, issue 1. April 2015- March 2016
  3. Abdul khalique and abdur rauf, An Overview of Jamun (Eugenia Jambolana Linn): A Traditional Multipotential Drug. Ind. J. Unani Med., Vol. IX, Iss. 2, pp. 71-75, 2016. ISSN No.: 0974-6065
  4. Abdul Khalique and Md Wasi Akhtar, Diabetes mellitus (Ziabetus shakari) in light of Grecoarabic medicine, International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical E ducation 2017; 2(2): 179-183
  5. Abdul Khalique and MY Siddiqui, Historical background and medical significance of Dalk (Massage): A review, International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine 2017; 1(2): 15-20.
  6. Mohd. Yunus SIDDIQUI, Md. Wasi AKHTAR, Jamal AZMAT, Abdul KHALIQUE, A Comparative Clinical Study of Unani Formulation (Maghz Tukhm-e-Jamun wa Tukhm-e-Hayat) and Metformin in the Management of Ziabetus Shakari (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences doi: 10.5505/ias.2017.37888 2017;25(2): 40-49.
  7. Abdul Khalique and Md Wasi Akhtar, Diabetes Mellitus (Ziabetus shakari) in light of Grecoarabic medicine. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2017; 2(2): 179-183.
  8. Abdul khalique and abdur rauf, An overview of depression and its management in unani medicine. Unimed Kulliyat a journal of unani medicine, ISSN 2249-5703, volume ix, issue 2. April 2016- March 2017 Lucknow.

Publication: Dr. Bachchu Singh

Dr. Bachchu Singh

Department: Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer
  1. Book published as co-author, Aphrodisiac natural drugs, 1st edition, Jan. 2019, 1288/ISBN/2019/A.
  2. Book published as co-author, Diet therapy, 1st edition, Jan. 2019, 9216/ISBN/2019/A.
  3. Popular Articles, What is the Arthritis? It's Unani treatment. Published in souvenir University of Lucknow, 2019

Publication: Dr. Syed Fazlurrahman Kazmi

Dr. Syed Fazlurrahman Kazmi

Department: Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat
  1. S.F.Kazmi, Siddiqui M.M.H., Siddiqui M.Y., Siddiqui Misbahuddin. “Antihyperlipideamic effect of Sikanjebeen Sada in Fart-e-Tadassum Fil Dam” Ayurveda, Kotakkal, Kerala, Aryavaidyan Vol. XIX., No. 4. 247-251. May-July 2006
  2. S.Fazlur Rahman Kazmi, M.M.H.Siddiqui, M.Y.Siddiqui, Asif Iqbal Siddiqui “Evaluation of Sofoof-e-Teen in Chronic Amoebiasis” Asian Journal of Experimental Science Jaipur Asian J. Exp. Sci. Vol. 20, No.1: 195-200, 2006.
  3. Kazmi S.F. Siddiqui M.M.H., Masroor Ali Qureshi,“Clinical evaluation of Qurs-e-Zeequnnafas and Sharbat-e-Akseer-e-Sadar in Chronic Bronchitis” Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, CCRUM, New Delhi, Vol. 3(2): 15-19, 2008.
  4. Kazmi S.F. Siddiqui M.M.H., Siddiqui M., Khan Q.A. Zafar Sharique, “Evaluation of Sikanjebeen Sada in case of Hypertension with Hyperlipideamia” Hamdard Medicus, Pakistan Vol. No 51, No. 2 page 129-132 April-June 2008
  5. M. M. H. Siddiqui, S. F. Kazmi, M. S. Khan “Demographic studies of Fart-e-Tadassum –Fid-Dam (Hyperlipidaemia)” Indian Journal of ANCIENT MEDICINE AND YOGA Vol. 2, No.1: 19-25, 2009.Lucknow.