Department of moalajat which is also k/a Medicine is a parent Department of approximately all clinical branches of Unani System of Medicine. It is a cardinal Department of Unani System of Medicine. Department of Moalajat is existing since college birth and now having prestigious reputation not on state as well as national level It deals with the patients care with holistic approach. Moalajat basically focuses on understanding health and illness of the human body with special reference to the theories and concepts of Unani system of medicine and management of all such diseases by its basic principle like ilad Bil dawa, Ilaj Bid Tadbeer and Ilaj Bil Giza. The Department is continuously progressing day by day to achieve his goal by organizing Mobile camps, Hospital Camps and various Heath awareness programme time to time, In 2018 department of Moalajat State Takmeel-Ut-tib College & Hospital, Lucknow has successfully organized a CME program sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH Government of India.
Focus of the department
Teaching: Department is ornamented by good teaching faculty