Organized by: Moalajat
Organizing committee: Dr. Mohd. Zubair
Chief patron CME Programme
Dr Mohammad Sikandar Hayat Siddiqui
Director Unani services U.P Govt.
Prof. Abdul Waheed to
Principal state takmeel ut tib college and hospital Lucknow
Chairman CME Programme Programme
Prog.Mohammad Mazahir Alam
Convenor CME Programme
Dr. Mohd. Zubair
Sponsored by Ministry of Ayush Govt. Of India, New Delhi There was six scientific session and six demonstration was organized from 10 Am to 05 Pm In Wich eminent scholar of Unanai system of medicine as well as Modern System of Medicine diliverd highly informative and very useful lectures. CME programme was attended by thirty Teachers ( Trainee) across the country