Welcome to State Takmeel-Ut-Tib College
Dr. Shamin Irshad

Dr. Shamin Irshad

Reader Ilmul Adviya

801521160 siazmi@gmail.com

  • Designation: Reader
  • Qualification: BUMS, MD
  • Date of Birth:08-01-1977
  • Registration no.: 00000
  • Experience:14years
  • Email id: siazmi@gmail.com
  • Mob. No: 801521160


No Achievements


1-Comparative Toxicity Study of Various Dosage Forms of Sammul Far(arsenic trioxide) in Mice.2011,Indian Journal of Traditional knowledge,Vol.10, Issue 4, NISCIR.

2-Preparation of Kushta Sammulfar (calx of Arsenic) by muffle furnace using the Temperature pattern extrapolated from the classical method of its preparation as practiced in Unani Medicine.2011,International Journal of Unani Medicus,Vol.1,Issue 2,January-June,F/o Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh

3-Standardization of   Kushta Sammul far (Calx of Arsenic trioxide) prepared by two Methods.2012,Hippocratic Journal,Vol.07, Number 3, July-Sept., CCRUM, New Delhi

4-Evaluation of Chronic Toxicity of Kushta Sammulfar(Calx of Arsenic trioxide.2013,Journal of Xenobiotics, Vol. 3:e3

5-Pharmacognostic evaluation of LeucascephalotesSpreng leaves.2012,Phcog J, Vol 4, Issue 32

6-Hakim Barakalsus Ki TareekhiHaqeeqt: EkTahqeequiMutala.2010,Jahane Tib, Vol.11, Issue 3, C.C.R.U.M, New Delhi

7-MazajeAadviaKa Scientific Jaiza.2009,UniMed, Vol.4, Issue 2, D/o Kulliyat, AMU, Aligarh

8-Historical Perspective of Comparative Evaluation of Calcination.2013-14,Journal for The History of  Islamic Medicine,Syria

9-Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Dammul Akhawain with Reference to Standardization.2014,Hippocratic Journal,Vol.09, Number 3, July-Sept., CCRUM, New Delhi

10-Study of male sexual function improving effect of cotton seed ( Gossypium herbaceum Linn ) in albino rats.2017,Unani Medicus,Vol.4, issue 1, January –June.2017. F/o Unani Medicine, AMU,Aligarh

11-Observation and Critical Assessment of Unani Pharmacopoeias and Formularies.2017,International Journa of Advanced  Ayurveada, Yoga, Unani ,Siddha and Homeopathy, Vol.6, Iss.01,PP 403-412

12-Age of Unani Drugs and Concept of  Shelf-life : A comparative Assessment.2020,The Journal of Phytopharmacology , 2020; 9(3): 210-213.


  1. First Prize in Essay writing competition Organized by AnjumanTalbaeQadeemMadrasatulIslahAzamgarh, (Aligarh Unit ), 1993-1994.
  2. Joint editor AL-MOJALLAH, MadraSataulIslah, Saraimir, Azamgarh, 1995.
  3. First Prize in Debate Organized by S.I.O, Aligarh, 1997-98.
  4. Third Prize in Poetry Composing Organized by Let/Cul Society, S. S. Hall (North), 5- AMU, Aligarh, 1998-99.
  5. Third Prize in Debate Organized by Dept. of HifzaneSehat , F/o Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh, 1999.
  6. Member Editorial Board MARHABA MARHABA,Ajmal Khan Tibbiya Colleges, AMU, Aligarh, 2001.
  7. Winner (Carrum Single) in Annual Common Room Champion Ship 2001, MosinulMulk Hall, AMU, Aligarh.
  8. Runner Up (Carrum Double) in Annual Common Room Champion Ship 2001, MosinulMulk Hall, AMU,Aligarh.
  9. Runner’s in the Ajmal Sports Week 2003-04, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh.
  10. Chief Editor SHAFAQS. S. Hall (North), AMU, Aligarh, 2004.
  11. Chief Editor AINAE TIBAjmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh, 2004.
  12. Member of Volley Ball Team S. S. Hall (North) during the session 1998-99, AMU, Aligarh.
  13. Member of Volley Ball Team S. S. Hall (North) during the session 1999-2000, AMU, Aligarh.
  14. Captain Volley Ball Team in Ajmal Sports Week 2003-04, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU,Aligarh.
  15. Food Monitor in S. S. Hall (North) during the session 2000-01, AMU,Aligarh.
  16. Hakim Ali Ahmad Award, presented by Hakeem Ajmal Khan Memorial Academy, Kanpur,February 2017.
  17. Fakhr-e- Tib Award, Presented By National Medical College, Saharanpur,March2017.
  18. Best Teacher Award, , Presented By National Medical College, Saharanpur, March 2019.
  19. Nazish-e-Tib wa Adab, Nagar Palika Deoband, U.P.2019.
  20. Best Teacher Award,  Presented By Jamia Tibbiya Deoband, UP, December 2019.
  21. Award on Advia Mufrada byUtter Pradesh Urdu Academy,Govt. of UP, 2018.
  22. Award on Shazraat Zillur Rahman wa Isharia al Hikmat byUtter Pradesh Urdu Academy Govt. of UP, 2020.
  23. Allama Kabeeruddin International award By All India Unani Tibbi congress, New Delhi, 2023.



  • Member of Unani Text Book Commitee, NCPUL, Ministry of H.R.D, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  • Member of  Tibbi Panel, NCPUL, Ministry of H.R.D, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  • Member of  editorial board, Tarjumane Tib, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore.
  • Reviewer  of Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Bangalore
  • Reviewer of ofNAWAE TIB WA SEHAT(A Journal of Unani Medicine ), Allahabad, U.P.
  • Reviewer of of Tarjumane Tib, NIUM, Bangalore.
  • Life Member of TAHZIBUL AKHLAQ, IdaraTazibulAkhlaq, AMU,Aligarh.
  • Life Member of NAWAE TIB WA SEHAT(A Journal of Unani Medicine ), Allahabad, U.P.




Title of the Book


Year Published Published inAuthor/ Co-authorRemarks



Isharia Al Hikmat



Hakim Ajmal Academy, Azamgarh,U.P.Author 



Mujarrabate Azam




Chand Memorial Charitable(Trust) New Delhi Author 



Hakim Shamim Ahmad Saeedi: Hayat wa  Khidmat





4Kushta Sammul Far 2013Ibn Sina Academy, AligarhAuthor 



Bayanul Murakkabat2015IHF, New DelhiAuthor 



Abdal-e-Advia2015IHF, New DelhiAuthor 
7Mujarrabat Amraze Raas2015Idara Hakim Haziq, Gujrat.PakistanAuthor 



Aghziatul Marza2017Idara Hakim Haziq, Gujrat.PakistanAuthor 
9Advia Mufrada by Najibuddeen  Samarqandi(Translation from Arabic to Urdu)2018Raza Library Rampur Editor/ Author 

Kitab-al – Abdal

By Abu Bakar, Mohammad Bin Zakriya Razi

(Translation from Arabic to Urdu)

2019IHF, New DelhiEditor/ Author 

Abdal- al Advia

By Abu Saeed, Al- Maghribi

2019IHF, New DelhiEditor/ Author 
12Kitab , abdal- al, Advia Almufrada by Badeeghoras (Translation from Arabic to Urdu)2019Raza Library RampurEditor/ Author 
13Shazrat Zillur Rahman 2020Ibn SIna Academy, Aligarh, U.P.Author 
14Masadir Zillur Rahman2020Ibn Sina Academy, Aligarh, U.P.Author 
15Abdale Advia2021National Institute of Unani Medicine, BangaloreAuthor 
16Mufradat Kitab al Mi’a fil Tib2023Maktaba Ahsan, Lucknow.Editor/Author 
17A’mar al- Aqaqeer a;- Mufrada wa al- Adbiya al- Murakkaba2024Ahsan, Publications, Lucknow.Editor/ Author